Getting a bigger body mass and muscles is a body builder’s goal when maintaining body building fitness and being mindful of body building nutrition. Every person who is into body building fitness needs the proper body building nutrition to help their bodies keep up with the workout regimes that they subject their bodies to. Here are some nutrition tips that can help body builders in their pursuit of a fitter and more muscled body:
6 Small Meals Daily
When you are working out, your metabolism needs to be kept at a regular pace to keep up with your activities. 3 large meals daily will not give you enough nutrients and spacing to maintain that metabolism. Take 6 smaller meals daily to keep your metabolism at a manageable rate and to keep your energy stocked for all your workouts.
Protein Intake
Proteins are vital to keeping you energized and keeping your muscles built. By getting the right doses of protein (by dividing your body weight by 1.2, equaling the amount of protein you should take daily) in natural sources such as fish, turkey or chicken, you can get the required amount to keep you going. You can also take protein shakes in between means as a supplement.
Carb Intake
For lean body mass increase, you need carbohydrates before and after workouts. You will know exactly how much to take by getting your lean body mass, multiplying it by 0.8 and this will equal your daily intake of carbs.
Don’t forget your Vegetables
You will always need your fiber to keep your body clean and healthy. Cleansing your system can only be done if you eat the right amount of the right vegetables.
Now that you know what foods you should focus on, you can plan the nutritious meals that you can take before, between, and after workouts. Always remember to take lots of water and the essential multivitamins and supplements that will keep you glowing and healthy to maintain body building fitness.
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