
2010 m. gegužės 20 d., ketvirtadienis

Calculating Your One Rep Max

Video Article: Calculating Your One Rep Max.

One rep max is the true weight you can do one time to failure. Sean Harley (IThinkFit) is here to talk about calculating your one rep max.

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Learn more about Sean Harley here.

Calculating Your One Rep Max

A one rep max is the true weight you can lift on any given exercise for that muscle group. There are two ways to figure out your one rep max.

  1. Load up the bar with as much weight as you think you can do. This is not safe and is a good way to injure yourself.
  2. Use a one rep max calculator.

Using The Calculator:

    Perform the following sets:

  • Warm up with 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps
  • Warm up heavier with 1 set of 6-8 reps, using a weight you can lift 10-12 times
  • 1 working set of less than 10 reps to failure.
  • Enter the weight and reps performed in your working set into the calculator below to get your one rep max.

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